Nov 01, 2022
Photography Masterclass Magazine Newsstand
Issue 119
In this issue
Understanding & Utilizing Color Theory
Colour theory is a subject that any art student will have come across, but it’s often overlooked when it comes to photography. Understanding how colours work together is a simple and extremely effective way to instantly improve your images, and in this issue, we get to grips with everything you need to know to apply this & make a huge difference to your own work.
Also in this issue:
+ We look at the importance of personal projects for photographers!
+ We bring you an in-depth interview with Rafal Lapszanski, a London-based, portrait and fashion photographer, whose work has been featured in various fashion magazines, including Cosmopolitan.
+ Learn how to remove anything from a photo, in a great Photoshop video tutorial.
+ In our expert guide, you'll learn how to best use natural light for beautiful portraits.
+ Experience an immersive timelapse filmed on La Palma, a beautiful and remote volcanic island, home to the world's biggest & most diverse astronomical observatories.
+ And don't miss our lowdown on choosing the best smartphone camera!
Get All This and More In A Content Packed Issue!